12 Tips for recording mini-lectures

  1. Find quiet. Record in a space without distracting sounds such as printers, phones, sirens, pets, children and loud air conditioners. Remember to turn off your cell phone!
  2. Look behind you. Make sure that your background does not show anything moving, messy or embarrassing.
  3. No window or light in back. Your face will appear dark and the bright light will be uncomfortable for your viewers.
  4. Wear solid colors. Shirts or blouses with stripes, checkers, small prints or sheer fabric can be distracting or appear blurry in the video.
  5. No dangling or jingling jewelry. They can add visual and auditory distractions to your recording.
  6. Prepare visuals. Use images, key words and phrases rather than long paragraphs of text. Let your voice carry the message. Your viewers cannot read long passages and listen at the same time.
  7. Use an outline or script. It will help you be concise and comprehensive. Post the text close to the recording so your students can use it as an additional resource.
  8. Keep it short. Record short clips of approximately 10 minutes. Stop at natural points and ask viewers to watch parts 1, 2, 3… of a long lecture.
  9. Keep the content evergreen. By not stating dates or referring to current events, you will be able to use the recording again in a different class or semester.
  10. Record a test clip. Always record a short clip to check for clarity in the picture and the sound.
  11. Budget enough time. You will need time to test, record and review.
  12. Review the recording. Watch it in its entirety before publishing it. It’s the equivalent of proofreading.