Start-of-the-semester Reminders
1. Have you copied your course successfully?
Make sure that:
- there are no duplicate items in the navigation menu;
- the Discussion Board has no posts from previous semesters
- there are no empty folders in the content areas;
- links for students to submit assignments, to take quizzes and to respond to surveys are active.
2. Are all items in your course legible and accessible?
Make sure that:
- all text in Blackboard is in a consistent font, size 12 or bigger;
- no essential content requires more than 3 clicks or is buried too many levels deep in the course
- all text color in Blackboard is black (see below for examples);
- all images and weblinks have “alt tags” describing them;
- all videos have captions;
- you follow the guidelines for best practices in creating accessible content;
- you check all Microsoft Office documents that you create using the built-in accessibility checkers and correct any issues that you find;
For more information about making content accessible, please see the CUNY IT accessibility website.
Examples of ADA level 3 compliant colors:

3. Have you posted a welcome video in a Welcome, Orientation or Getting Started folder?
Make sure it:
- tells students where to go for tech support, course-related questions, and course policies;
- guides students towards reviewing the syllabus and noting major course deadlines in their calendars;
- reminds students to acknowledge reading the Academic Integrity Policy;
- tells students to conduct a browser test to ensure Blackboard compatibility;
- tells students to self-check their skills using Blackboard through the “How well do you know Blackboard?” quiz;
- informs students where to find assessment rubrics, and how they will be applied to their assignments;
- is warm, inviting and most importantly exudes your personality which will promote student/professor engagement.
4. Have you made the course available?
Make sure that:
- the course is open two weeks before the semester starts;
- students can access at minimum materials for week 1
- students can find the syllabus;
- students can find your contact information;
- the current announcements are available and ones for later in the semester are not available.
5.Are all the materials current?
Make sure to:
- review all weblinks and course links and update the ones that are broken;
- go through your course content and check it for relevance and currency
- change dates of the weeks in the syllabus and weekly folders if you have them listed.
Mid-semester Reminders
1. Have you been maintaining a strong instructor presence in the course?
Make sure that you:
- respond to students’ emails within the time stated in the syllabus;
- guide students through course content by introducing new material and making connections to previously learned material;
- stay active in the course by posting announcements, sending reminders of deadlines, and participating in discussion boards;
- monitor discussions and enforce rules of netiquette;
- invite students to online office hours;
- reach out to individual students who are missing or falling behind;
- direct students to technology help when appropriate.
2. Have you been helping students self-monitor their progress in the class?
Make sure that you:
- give frequent, low-stakes assessments;
- give meaningful and prompt feedback on student assignments;
- keep the Grade Center up-to-date;
- direct students towards viewing their grades and reflecting on their learning.
3. Have you asked for feedback from your students?
Make sure that:
- you have made feedback surveys available to the students (e.g., in week 4 and week 8);
- you make reasonable adjustments to the course based on student feedback
4. Are you guiding students through long-term or group projects?
Make sure that you have:
- given clear instructions and concrete outcomes;
- set reasonable milestones and required deliverables
- offered opportunities to discuss projects individually or as a group in online conference rooms.
End-of-the-semester Reminders
1. Have you encouraged students to complete the course evaluation survey?
Make sure that:
- you have posted the link in the last weekly folder of the semester;
- you have posted an announcement reminding students about it
2. Have you graded all the assignments?
Remember that you can:
- give feedback in audio or video format instead or in addition to written text;
- speed up the grading process and show students how they scored according to a set criteria by using rubrics.
3. Have you ended the semester with a wrap-up activity?
Consider asking students to:
- write reflections about that they learned in a journal;
- post recommendations for future students of this course in a discussion forum;
- say good-bye to each other in a discussion forum.
4.Have you made preparations for the following semester?
While the semester is still fresh in your mind, you can:
- note activities, materials or technologies that worked well or those that did not work well;
- mark up instructions that need revising;
- take down resources that are obsolete;
- review suggestions that students have offered throughout the semester.
5. Have you completed final course management tasks?
Make sure you have:
- submitted students’ grades;
- posted a cordial farewell announcement